Guinea-Conakry from the name of its capital to differentiate it from Guinea-Bissau and Equatorial Guinea, is a country in West Africa. It took its independence from France on October 2,1958, making it the first country in sub-Saharan Africa to do so. rich in natural resources, it is nicknamed the water tower of Africa and has one-third of the world reserves of bauxite.
Tourism in guinea
Guinea has a varied tourism potential. Nature has been extraordinarily wise, distributing fairly diverse and unexpected landscapes fairly equitably. Its biological diversity is important and it contains appreciable aesthetic values, diverse and varied natural beauties consisting of natural parks, natural aquariums and thermal springs, specific animal species and mountains with numerous rivers cut by gorges and rapids. The cultures are varied. From the wide beaches of the coast to the dense forest, guardian of the last secrets of nature, through the foothills of Fouta Djallon and the vast plains drained by the Niger River and its tributaries, the country multiplies seductions in a strong tradition of hospitality.
Current situation
Guinea is full of diverse tourist sites: discovery tourism: The Soumba waterfalls, the bride sail/ Kilissi waters, the Kinkon and Kambadaga waterfalls and gorges, the Saala Falls, the Lady of Mali, the Kamara to
Guinea is also looking at the past, one of Africa memories sites of the Middle Ages: Niani (capital of the Mali Empire), Niagassola (SossoBala: The Balafon of Sosso) Sites Négriers of renown and sad memory: Dominyah, Farinyah, etc. Remnants of resistance to colonial
penetration: Bissandougou, Timbo, Niagassola (Fort Gallieni), etc.
Guinea lends itself to exploring a tourist paradise with varied resources still insufficiently known, which has preserved its heritage and protected the environment, a sure guarantee of authentic tourism.
In 2016, the country had 413 hotels with 5,507 rooms (6310 beds). Many investment opportunities remain to be exploited in the sector. In recent years, hotels capacity has increased significantly with the construction of new international luxury hotels, followed by an exponential growth of reliable and internationally recognized car rental companies (Avis…). Travel agencies have also experienced notorious emergence...the certain advantages of its tourism underpin Guinea desire and ambition to develop a wide range of tourist products including: seaside, ecotourism, cultural tourism, congress, discovery,