Egypt’s Youth Minister inaugurates the activities of the Arab Media Youth Leaders Forum

Dr. Ashraf Sobhy, Minister of Youth and Sports, Head of the Executive Office of the Arab Ministers of Youth and Sports, inaugurated the activities of the Arab Media Youth Leaders Forum. It is implemented by the Ministry of Youth and Sports represented by the Central Administration for Civil Education through the General Administration of Civil Education and Training of Youth Cadres, the General Administration of the Media Office, and the General Administration of Relations. Foreign and international affairs, during the period from (25-28) February, with the participation of delegations of 11 Arab countries, namely (Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Sudan, Palestine, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt), within the activities of the Arab Youth Year Which were launched by his Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.
39 faculties and media departments in universities, academies, and higher institutes within the Arab Republic of Egypt are participating in the activities of the Second Forum of Arab Media Youth Leaders, namely (Cairo, Helwan, Ain Shams, Al-Azhar, South Valley, Suez, Beni Suef, Minya, Assiut, Sohag, Aswan Alexandria, Damietta, Menoufia, Banha, Tanta, Zagazig, Maritime Academy, Alexandria Branch, Sheraton, Smart Village, MSA, ieams, Galala National, Beni Suef National, Egypt for Science and Technology, Misr International, Canadian Pyramids, CIC, Al-Nahda, Sinai, British, Sixth of October, Higher Institute of Information in Alexandria, Al-Shorouk, Al-Mustaqbal, Akhbar Al-Youm, Al-Haditha, Pharos, Al-Mustaqbal).
It is worth noting that the forum targets 100 young participants from faculty members, students, and masters and doctoral researchers in the faculties and departments of media, communication, and documentation within the various Egyptian universities, institutes, and academies.